I’m glad that you are here to read about my thoughts on my work. The opportunity to present for viewing a greater variety of what you would see at an exhibition is satisfying because it offers a more complete view of where I am at or going than what you could surmise from the limited scope of work selected for an exhibition or in a juried shows. The site just came up today so there is the opportunity to share much more in the future. A Facebook page is also coming.The pastel pieces are my newest passion and they have been really liberating. The workshops at The Pastel Studio in Cambridge Ontario, http://www.pastelstudio.ca ,especially with Deborah Stewart; were a catalyst to start a new direction in my work. Not to be left unmentioned is the real help and wonderful store run by Edward.
Colour, texture and line became the focus of these new works. The brilliant hues and richness of the colours applied to the right grounds were intoxicating, okay…goofy but true. Working with a small format, 5×7 to 11×14 inches in size let me get intimate with materials and elements quickly and thoroughly in a really short time. Gone is the laborious colour mixing, wasted paint, and need for huge canvases that take up a lot of space. See more of my work here http://www.pastelartists.ca/gallery/terry_torra . Also I can show my photography which I will talk more about in the next post.
Your comments are appreciated